Saturday, November 13, 2004

What do they think of Bush here?

Well, this stencil grafiti is quite popular around Buenos Aires. "Asesino" means murderer, but I would have to say that the more common sentiment here is more "Bush, Idiota".

Susana and a friend were out walking and looking for an address on Estados Unidos street (there are a series of streets named after countries) and found that all of the street signs for blocks and blocks had been changed from Estados Unidos to "Pueblo de Irak," which basically translates to "the people of Iraq."


At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! It takes a lot to make me laugh about politics these days--and this puts a smile on my face. Can we change the names of the states here too?
:) Cathy

At 11:23 AM, Blogger profile said...

rona told me about you. i studied there in b.a. many moons ago, and have not returned. i secretly lurk on ur blog now and then. :-) btw, u can change the size of ur pics on the edit page. u might want to create some space between text before u put the pics so that the text wont crowd around the pictures. just some thoughts. :-)


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