Friday, November 12, 2004

A little post-election recovery

Even with my distance from the whole thing, I'm feeling the blues somewhat about Bush's win. As usual I'm a bit in denial, and that's aided by being so far away. Even so, the following—mostly collected from my friends' blogs—are therapeutic:

Feeling the need to apologize to the rest of the world for allowing our country to elect a warmongering idiot to lead the most powerful military in the world? You can do so at Sorry Everybody. Or, you can just browse the gallery of other Americans that have posted their photo apologies. Its hilarious. Read their FAQ.

Okay, there are a slew of maps that are supposed to help us understand how the country voted. Most of us have seen plenty with the big red Bush states edged by a thin lining of blue Kerry states on both coasts. But those maps just show the "winner takes all" results of our electoral college system. Most states were much closer contests, as the purple map shows. Another great map shows what the U.S. would look like if the states were the same physical size as their populations (click on the "next" button).

Finally, with a message that is probably not officially approved by the Democratic Party, there's the "Fuck the South" rant that seems to be making it's way around. It's pretty funny, particularly the points about higher divorce rates in the religious fundamentalist states. Hopefully my friends and other progressive folks who live in the South can see the humor.


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