Wednesday, November 03, 2004

You've got to be kidding me...

I can't believe it, but it looks like Bush is going to win this election. Currently CNN is still not calling it because of the provisional ballots in Ohio, but it looks pretty improbably that Kerry can pull it out. He would need a really high percentage of the provisional and oversees absentee ballots to win.

Susana is asking me if the people in the U.S. are all stupid, and I don't know what to answer, except that half of them didn't vote for Bush. I'm sure that I'm going to have quite a few other people here in Argentina asking me the same question.

I send a big hug out to all my friends (and my parents) who worked so hard to defeat Bush.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Rona Fernandez said...

well, as they say, it's not over 'til the fat lady sings...or in this case, 'til the fat white Supreme Court judge sings...;-) I'm not giving up just yet, although it does look extremely dismal. In either case, we've got a lot of work to keep on doin' so let your Argentinian friends know that there are a lot of smart people in the US who are gonna keep on fightin' the good fight. Peace, Rona


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