Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I feel a little bad for not posting anything about this yet (although, this whole blog thing is a little weird, it's hard to know if anyone actually reads my posts besides myself). Yes, Susana is no longer my girlfriend, she is now officially my ... wife. Wow.

Yes, we had our civil wedding on October 1. Want to see the photos? Check them out here.

Like I said, I feel a little bad about not posting such important news, but I think that it is mainly because I have not really been using the blog to write about very personal things. On top of that, it feels kind of weird for us because we are not able to really do everything like a married couple. Due to us not wanting to upset/offend Susana's parents we will not be living together until after our church wedding in February. Despite all that, we are both pretty happy and excited. We laugh at each other each time that we call each other boyfriend or girlfriend instead of husband and wife. I'm sure it takes everyone a bit of time to get used to that.

As for me, I am excited that we have taken this step in committing to a partnership and relationship for life. It does leave me feeling a bit amazed that we have finally reached this point after a really crazy long distance relationship that started over four years ago while I was traveling in Argentina. We have a lot more traveling to do...together.


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Chavajero, of course people read your blog..well, *I* do and every so often I get a flurry of referrals from your site to mine so I'm guessing others are too. I know it's kinda weird to post personal stuff on yr blog, but I'm glad you did, and that you wrote about your wedding news with transparency about your reluctance. True blog-style. Be well, RF


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