Monday, August 02, 2004

List 3—Street Names

Funny ones, hard to pronounce ones, and historically interesting ones.

CUCHA CUCHA—mainly just sounds funny, doesn't it?

CARABOBO—I'm not sure exactly how to translate this. It's something like "goofy face".

HIPOLITO YRIGOYEN—Seriously, you think I can pronounce this well enough that a taxi driver will know where I want to go?

AVENIDA DOCTOR HONORIO PUEYRREDON—The fact that there are really just too many R's in this is only the beginning of my problems. Could you imagine if you lived on this street and had to write this out every time you had to fill out a form?

COMBATE DE LOS POZOS—This roughly translates to "Battle of the Holes"... but, they also say "pozos" for potholes, so to me it sounds like a street where you have to battle the potholes. But, Susana says it doesn't sound funny to her. I guess there are probably plenty of street names in LA that sound weird if you think about them, but when you are used to them they just sound normal.


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