Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Amazon intelligence

So, Amazon.com provided me with a book recommendation—Bill Clinton's new autobiography, "My Life"—based on a previous purchase. Check this out:
"My Life was released today; We thought you'd be interested because you bought Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Official Strategy Guide."

I don't actually see Bill as the Lord of Destruction (that would be Bush?), but more as one of the conniving lesser evils...


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Rona Fernandez said...

Mike! How can you be ordering from Amazon.com! Is that only since you've been in BA? I know a lot of people use Amazon but they are SOOO undercutting sales for independent bookstores. I don't know if it will work for you being in BA, but there is alibris.com which is pretty good and another one, can't remember the name, i'll get back to you on it. but both of those are online retailers for indie bookstores. so you can get the convenience of online shopping while still supporting smaller (non-chain) stores.

yes i know i'm always agitating about something. but isn't that why you love me? ;-)



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